15. More Join Practice

More Join Practice


Start Quiz:

# List all the taxonomic orders, using their common names, sorted by the number of
# animals of that order that the zoo has.
# The animals table has (name, species, birthdate) for each individual.
# The taxonomy table has (name, species, genus, family, t_order) for each species.
# The ordernames table has (t_order, name) for each order.
# Be careful:  Each of these tables has a column "name", but they don't have the
# same meaning!  animals.name is an animal's individual name.  taxonomy.name is
# a species' common name (like 'brown bear').  And ordernames.name is the common
# name of an order (like 'Carnivores').

QUERY = '''
select ...

User's Answer:

(Note: The answer done by the user is not guaranteed to be correct)

# List all the taxonomic orders, using their common names, sorted by the number of
# animals of that order that the zoo has.
# The animals table has (name, species, birthdate) for each individual.
# The taxonomy table has (name, species, genus, family, t_order) for each species.
# The ordernames table has (t_order, name) for each order.
# Be careful:  Each of these tables has a column "name", but they don't have the
# same meaning!  animals.name is an animal's individual name.  taxonomy.name is
# a species' common name (like 'brown bear').  And ordernames.name is the common
# name of an order (like 'Carnivores').

QUERY = '''
select ordernames.name, count(*) as num
  from animals, taxonomy, ordernames
  where animals.species = taxonomy.name
    and taxonomy.t_order = ordernames.t_order
  group by ordernames.name
  order by num desc



Tables introduced in this video


This table gives the (partial) biological taxonomic names for each species in the zoo. It can be used to find which species are more closely related to each other evolutionarily.

  • name — the common name of the species (e.g. 'jackal')
  • species — the taxonomic species name (e.g. 'aureus')
  • genus — the taxonomic genus name (e.g. 'Canis')
  • family — the taxonomic family name (e.g. 'Canidae')
  • t_order — the taxonomic order name (e.g. 'Carnivora')

If you've never heard of this classification, don't worry about it; the details won't be necessary for this course. But if you're curious, Wikipedia articles Taxonomy and Biological classification may help.


This table gives the common names for each of the taxonomic orders in the taxonomy table.

  • t_order — the taxonomic order name (e.g. 'Cetacea')
  • name — the common name (e.g. 'whales and dolphins')

All the tables in the zoo database

If you don't know what the contents of a table look like, you can always view all of it with select * from table. But here's a summary of what all the tables in the zoo database contain:


This table lists individual animals in the zoo. Each animal has only one row. There may be multiple animals with the same name, or even multiple animals with the same name and species.

  • name — the animal's name (example: 'George')
  • species — the animal's species (example: 'gorilla')
  • birthdate — the animal's date of birth (example: '1998-05-18')


This table matches up species with the foods they eat. Every species in the zoo eats at least one sort of food, and many eat more than one. If a species eats more than one food, there will be more than one row for that species.

  • species — the name of a species (example: 'hyena')
  • food — the name of a food that species eats (example: 'meat')

The SQL for it

And here are the SQL commands that were used to create those tables. We won't cover the create table command until lesson 4, but it may be interesting to look at:

create table animals (  
       name text,
       species text,
       birthdate date);
create table diet (
       species text,
       food text);  
create table taxonomy (
       name text,
       species text,
       genus text,
       family text,
       t_order text); 

create table ordernames (
       t_order text,
       name text);

Here's one possible solution:

select ordernames.name, count(*) as num
  from animals, taxonomy, ordernames
  where animals.species = taxonomy.name
    and taxonomy.t_order = ordernames.t_order
  group by ordernames.name
  order by num desc

And here's another, this time using the explicit join style:

select ordernames.name, count(*) as num
  from (animals join taxonomy 
                on animals.species = taxonomy.name)
                as ani_tax
        join ordernames
             on ani_tax.t_order = ordernames.t_order
  group by ordernames.name
  order by num desc

I think the upper version is much more readable than the lower one, because in the explicit join style you have to explicitly tell the database what order to join the tables in — ((a join b) join c) — instead of just letting the database worry about that.
If you're using a more barebones database (like SQLite) there can be a performance benefit to the explicit join style. But in PostgreSQL, the more server-oriented database system we'll be using next lesson, the query planner should optimize away any difference.